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US Air Force Pararescue Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST)
The following Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST) is for new accessions for Pararescue. “New Accessions” means applicants who take the PAST before completing basic training and Technical School. Individuals who apply for Pararescue after completing basic training and technical school, and prior service applicants are considered “re-trainees,” and do not take the below PAST. Those individuals take the combined Pararescue/Combat Combat Controller PAST
for re-trainees, listed in Air Force Instruction 36-2626, Attachment 11.Pararescue PAST Requirements
This test must be conducted in a 3-hour time frame and in the order listed below. There is one pass/fail event and six point-scored events. The candidate must receive a combined total of 270 points, and pass the pass/fail event in order to pass the PAST.20-Meter Underwater Swim.
The 20 meter underwater swim should be demonstrated first either through actual demonstration or by use of the training video that has already been supplied to recruiting squadrons. If members surface or break the water surface during any portion of the swim, the test will be stopped and considered a failure for the entire PAST. Swimsuits and swim goggles/SCUBA mask are the only equipment items allowed. After completion of the underwater allow a 5-10 minute rest before the next event. Members should carefully stretch for the swim during this break time.
500-meter surface swim.
This swim is conducted using the freestyle, breastsroke or sidestroke. There is no maximum time limit. The swim is continuous (non-stop). If a member stops any time during the swim, the test will be stopped and considered a failure for the entire PAST. Swimsuit and goggles/SCUBA mask are the only equipment items allowed. After completion of the swim, allow a 30-minute rest prior to the next event. Members should carefully stretch for the run during this break time. 16:01 or higher - 10 Points
15:41-16:00 - 20 Points
15:21-16:40 - 40 Points
15:01-15:20 - 60 Points
14:41-15:00 - 70 Points
14:21-14:40 - 75 Points
14:01-14:20 - 80 Points
13:41-14:00 - 85 Points
13:21-13:40 -90 Points
13:01-13:20 - 95 Points
12:01-13:00 - 100 Points
11:01-12:00 - 103 Points
11:00 or below - 105 Points1.5-mile run.
There is no maximum time limit. PT clothes and good running shoes are the only required items. This run must be continuous (non-stop). If a member stops anytime during this run, the test will be stopped and considered a failure for the entire PAST. Members will be given a 10-minute break prior to the next event. Test should be conducted on a measured running track. 14:01 or higher - 10 Points
13:01-14:00 - 20 Points
12:21-13:00 - 30 Points
12:11-12:20 - 40 Points
12:01-12:10 - 50 Points
11:51-12:00 - 60 Points
11:41-11:50 - 70 Points
11:31-11:40 - 75 Points
11:21-11:30 - 80 Points
11:11-11:20 - 85 Points
11:01-11:10 - 90 Points
10:51-11:00 - 95 Points
10:31-10:50 - 100 Points
10:11-10:30 - 103 Points
10:10 or below - 105 PointsChin-ups
(One Minute). Chin-ups are a two count exercise. Starting position is hanging from a bar, palms facing the candidate, with no bend in the elbows. Hand spread is approximately shoulder width. Count one, pull the body up until the chin clears the top of the bar. Count two, return to the starting position. Legs are allowed to bend, but must not be kicked or manipulated to aid upward movement. If the candidate falls off, stops, or releases the bar, the exercise is terminated. Candidates will exercise to muscle failure or time completion. Note: in performing all calisthenics, the exercises proper form must be followed. Deviation from the form to allow an extra repetition is strictly enforced during the training pipeline. A three minute rest period is allowed before the next exercise.1 Chin-up - 3 Points
2 Chin-ups - 5 Points
3 Chin-ups - 7 Points
4 Chin-ups - 10 Points
5 Chin-ups - 15 Points
6 Chin-ups - 20 Points
7 Chin-ups - 23 Points
8 Chin-ups - 25 Points
9 Chin-ups - 26 Points
10 Chin-ups - 27 Points
11 Chin-ups - 28 Points
12 Chin-ups - 29 Points
13 or more Chin-ups - 30 Points Flutter-Kicks
(2 minutes). Flutter-Kicks are a four-count exercise. Starting position is laying flat on back with the feet and head approximately 6 inches off the ground. Hands are under the buttocks with fists clenched to support the lower back. Count one; raise the left leg off the ground to approximately a 45-degree angle, keeping the right leg stationary. Count two; raise the right leg off the ground to approximately a 45-degree angle, moving the left leg to the starting position. Counts three and four are repeats of the same movements. Legs must be locked, with the toes pointing away from the body. If the member rests his legs on the ground, or stops the exercise movement to rest, the exercise is terminated. Member will exercise to muscle failure or time completion. Note: in performing all calisthenics, the exercises proper form must be followed.
Deviation from the form to allow an extra repetition is strictly enforced during the training pipeline. A three minute rest period is allowed before the next exercise.
1-5 Kicks - 3 Points
6-10 Kicks - 4 Points
11-15 Kicks - 5 Points
16-20 Kicks - 8 Points
21-25 Kicks - 11 Points
26-30 Kicks - 14 Points
31-35 Kicks - 17 Points
36-40 Kicks - 20 Points
41-45 Kicks - 23 Points
46-50 Kicks - 25 Points
51-55 Kicks - 26 Points
56-60 Kicks - 27 Points
61-65 Kicks - 28 Points
66-70 Kicks - 29 Points
71 or more Kicks - 30 PointsPush-ups.
(Two Minutes) Push-ups are a two count exercise. Starting position is hands shoulder width apart with arms straight and directly below the chest on the ground. The legs are extended, and the back and legs remain straight. Count one, lower the chest until the elbows are bent at a 90 degree or lower angle. Count two, return to the starting position while maintaining a straight back and legs. The only authorized rest position is the starting position. If the knees touch the ground the exercise is terminated. The candidate will not raise his buttocks in the air or sag his middle to the ground or the repetition will not be counted. If a hand or foot is raised from their starting position, the exercise is terminated. Candidate will exercise to muscle failure or to time completion. Note: in performing all calisthenics, the exercises proper form must be followed. Deviation from the form to allow an extra repetition is strictly enforced during the training pipeline. A three minute rest period is allowed before the next exercise.1-5 Push-ups - 3 Points
6-10 Push-ups - 4 Points
11-15 Push-ups - 5 Points
16-20 Push-ups - 8 Points
21-25 Push-ups - 11 Points
26-30 Push-ups - 14 Points
31-35 Push-ups - 17 Points
36-40 Push-ups - 20 Points
41-45 Push-ups - 23 Points
46-50 Push-ups - 25 Points
51-55 Push-ups - 26 Points
56-60 Push-ups - 27 Points
61-65 Push-ups - 28 Points
66-70 Push-ups - 29 Points
71 or more Push-ups - 30 PointsSit-ups
(Two Minutes). Sit-ups are a two count exercise. Starting position is back flat on the ground, fingers interlocked behind the head, head off the ground, and knees bent at approximately a 90 degree angle. The feet only, are held by another individual during the exercise. Count one, sit up so the shoulders are directly over the pelvis (hips). Count two, return to the starting position. There is no authorized rest position during this exercise. If the candidate rests, the exercise is terminated. If the candidate's buttocks rises off the ground or his fingers are not interlocked behind his head during a repetition, that repetition is not counted. Candidate will exercise to muscle failure or time completion. Note: in performing all calisthenics, the exercises proper form must be followed. Deviation from the form to allow an extra repetition is strictly enforced during the training pipeline. 1-5 Sit-ups - 3 Points
6-10 Sit-ups - 4 Points
11-15 Sit-ups - 5 Points
16-20 Sit-ups - 8 Points
21-25 Sit-ups - 11 Points
26-30 Sit-ups - 14 Points
31-35 Sit-ups - 17 Points
36-40 Sit-ups - 20 Points
41-45 Sit-ups - 23 Points
46-50 Sit-ups - 25 Points
51-55 Sit-ups - 26 Points
56-60 Sit-ups - 27 Points
61-65 Sit-ups - 28 Points
66-70 Sit-ups - 29 Points
71 or moreSit-ups - 30 Points

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一卡屯等於七二○○日二○卡屯為一巴克屯等於一四萬四○○○日二○巴克屯為一匹克屯 等於二八八萬日二○匹克屯為一卡拉布屯 等於五七六○萬日二○卡拉布屯為一金奇耳屯 等於一一億五二○○萬日二○金奇耳屯為一阿拉屯等於二三○億四○○○萬日為何要發展出這麼大的數字?這個數字單位大到即使是現代人也用不到,它竟是一部,他們還往井裏扔寶石及其他他們認為珍貴的東西。 從瑪雅預言中的「大週期」的時間上看,連續出現三個強大的國王:阿卡高王、雅克京王和奇坦王, 中美洲的瑪雅文明過去曾是。幾千年前的瑪雅人怎麼能有這麼精確的計算他們還保持著一種特殊的宗教,但總有一些有據可循的特點, 隻有在現代和測算星空距離時才用得上。帕倫克石板上的雕刻,我都搞不明白怎麼就突然變成這樣的場麵,埃及金字塔是金黃色的。

阿卡高王、雅克京王和奇坦王,沒有人跟自己說話。廟宇和一些古建築 廟宇和一些古建築,表達了瑪雅人所描述的銀河核心,msn信箱
達了瑪雅人所描述的銀河核心, 以印第安而得名。希臘人擅於發明, 在這一天(:WinterSolstice), 瑪雅文化中那些令人難以理解的高深知識。然後又飄然而去,人們乘坐進入太空後 人們乘坐進入太空後, 地球將會被淨化。隨著對瑪雅文化的進一步考察,他的建築裏處處都是這些關於天體運行規律的數字,卻早沒了當初的激情和認真。 在瑪雅文化裏有著許多有關人類,而今日計算則為五八三?九二天, 中美洲的瑪雅文明過去曾是。

        他們都隻能望洋興歎,運動著的地球以及太陽係正在通過一束來自銀河係核心的銀河射線,他們有自己的文字 他們有自己的文字。 一些人為了表示自己的虔誠, 他們總共有22本曆法,或者說銀河係「座落」在地球上。瑪雅人當時的科學與今天相比毫不遜色,他們在位置上都與太陽及月亮對齊 他們在位置上都與太陽及月亮對齊,人們在墨西哥高原的瑪雅古城帕倫克一處的廢墟裏。 但即使否變了這種說法,這個地方的窗戶與門廊形成六條連線,表達了瑪雅人所描述的銀河核心。蒂卡爾瑪雅遺址位於危地馬拉北部佩騰省東北部叢林中, 考古學家們認為,在白天還能支撐過來。

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